Templite+ Python Templating Engine
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Authored by
Thimo Kraemer
Revised version of Templite, a light-weight, fully functional, general purpose templating engine.
- Block statements do not break the template.
- Single variables and expressions starting with quotes are substituted automatically.
- Starting and ending delimiters are variable.
- Possibility to include other templates from the file system.
- Basic caching functionality.
The functionality is comparable to Python Server Pages (PSP).
from templite import Templite
template = r"""
This template demonstrates the usage of Templite.
Within the defined delimiters we can write pure Python code:
def say_hello(name):
write('Hello %s!' % name)
And now we call the function: ${ say_hello('World') }$
Escaped starting delimiter: $\{
${ write('Escaped ending delimiter: }\$') }$
Also block statements are possible:
${ if x > 10: }$
x is greater than 10
${ :elif x > 5: }$
x is greater than 5
${ :else: }$
x is not greater than 5
${ :end-if / only the starting colon is essential to close a block }$
${ for i in range(x): }$
loop index is ${ i }$
${ :end-for }$
${ # this is a python comment }$
Single variables and expressions starting with quotes are substituted
Instead ${write(x)}$ you can write ${x}$ or ${'%s' % x}$ or ${"", x}$
Therefore standalone statements like break, continue or pass
must be enlosed by a semicolon: $\{continue;}\$
To include another template, just call "include":
${ include('template.txt') }$
t = Templite(template)
print t.render(x=8)
Output is:
This template demonstrates the usage of Templite.
Within the defined delimiters we can write pure Python code:
And now we call the function: Hello World!
Escaped starting delimiter: ${
Escaped ending delimiter: }$
Also block statements are possible:
x is greater than 5
loop index is 0
loop index is 1
loop index is 2
loop index is 3
loop index is 4
loop index is 5
loop index is 6
loop index is 7
Single variables and expressions starting with quotes are substituted
Instead 8 you can write 8 or 8 or 8
Therefore standalone statements like break, continue or pass
must be enlosed by a semicolon: ${continue;}$
To include another template, just call "include":
This is the content of template.txt
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Templite+
# A light-weight, fully functional, general purpose templating engine
# Copyright (c) 2009 joonis new media
# Author: Thimo Kraemer <thimo.kraemer@joonis.de>
# Based on Templite by Tomer Filiba
# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/496702/
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
import sys, os
import re
class Templite(object):
autowrite = re.compile('(^[\'\"])|(^[a-zA-Z0-9_\[\]\'\"]+$)')
delimiters = ('${', '}$')
cache = {}
def __init__(self, text=None, filename=None,
encoding='utf-8', delimiters=None, caching=False):
"""Loads a template from string or file."""
if filename:
filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
mtime = os.path.getmtime(filename)
self.file = key = filename
elif text is not None:
self.file = mtime = None
key = hash(text)
raise ValueError('either text or filename required')
# set attributes
self.encoding = encoding
self.caching = caching
if delimiters:
start, end = delimiters
if len(start) != 2 or len(end) != 2:
raise ValueError('each delimiter must be two characters long')
self.delimiters = delimiters
# check cache
cache = self.cache
if caching and key in cache and cache[key][0] == mtime:
self._code = cache[key][1]
# read file
if filename:
with open(filename) as fh:
text = fh.read()
self._code = self._compile(text)
if caching:
cache[key] = (mtime, self._code)
def _compile(self, source):
offset = 0
tokens = ['# -*- coding: %s -*-' % self.encoding]
start, end = self.delimiters
escaped = (re.escape(start), re.escape(end))
regex = re.compile('%s(.*?)%s' % escaped, re.DOTALL)
for i, part in enumerate(regex.split(source)):
part = part.replace('\\'.join(start), start)
part = part.replace('\\'.join(end), end)
if i % 2 == 0:
if not part: continue
part = part.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
part = '\t' * offset + 'write("""%s""")' % part
part = part.rstrip()
if not part: continue
part_stripped = part.lstrip()
if part_stripped.startswith(':'):
if not offset:
raise SyntaxError('no block statement to terminate: ${%s}$' % part)
offset -= 1
part = part_stripped[1:]
if not part.endswith(':'): continue
elif self.autowrite.match(part_stripped):
part = 'write(%s)' % part_stripped
lines = part.splitlines()
margin = min(len(l) - len(l.lstrip()) for l in lines if l.strip())
part = '\n'.join('\t' * offset + l[margin:] for l in lines)
if part.endswith(':'):
offset += 1
if offset:
raise SyntaxError('%i block statement(s) not terminated' % offset)
return compile('\n'.join(tokens), self.file or '<string>', 'exec')
def render(self, **namespace):
"""Renders the template according to the given namespace."""
stack = []
namespace['__file__'] = self.file
# add write method
def write(*args):
for value in args:
if isinstance(value, unicode):
value = value.encode(self.encoding)
namespace['write'] = write
# add include method
def include(file):
if not os.path.isabs(file):
if self.file:
base = os.path.dirname(self.file)
base = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
file = os.path.join(base, file)
t = Templite(None, file, self.encoding,
self.delimiters, self.caching)
namespace['include'] = include
# execute template code
exec self._code in namespace
return ''.join(stack)
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